Tuesday, 26 February 2013

A week late, but better late than never...25 Weeks – EDC 28/05/13

Friday, 15 February 2013 (Day 3)
Following on from my decision to decline the glucose tolerance test, I have found out some interesting information regarding my “family history” of diabetes. I have just found out that the cousin that I thought had gestational diabetes and then developed type 2 diabetes actually has type 1 diabetes which was only picked up at the GTT test! She has always had a host of health problems, from eczema to celiac disease, the latter of which may have been a symptom of the diabetes - she's always said that gluten gives her a high. Our grandmother also had diabetes, but she had type 2, which turned out to be a symptom of pancreatic cancer, which she later died from. Ah, I feel much better now that my only family history is explained away.
A lot of people have been saying to me, “what’s the big deal?” The big deal is that I don’t do so well with blood tests (I’m a fainter), and I don’t like needles in general, and I already have to get (two, maybe three) extra needles because of my A- blood type, so I’d rather not subject myself to an extra two (unnecessary) needles just because a medical guideline says that I should, as I actually have none of the risk factors associated with gestational diabetes.

Taken 16/02/13 - new tunic

Friday, 15 February 2013

24 Weeks – EDC 28/05/13

Tuesday, 5 February 2013
This week, I’ve found myself pondering the logistics of riding my horse again once the baby comes. With this in mind, I set off (aided by the cooler, less humid weather) to visit my trusty steed. She found herself subjected to a little bit of discipline (actually had a halter put on, was tied to the fence, groomed, and then led around the paddock and expected to be a good girl), as opposed to just being groomed while she’s grazing.  But this blog isn’t about my adventures with my horse, so I will move on.
Baby is getting definite waking and sleeping times, getting more and more active as the day progresses before falling asleep in a big heavy lump, generally on the right side of my belly (because that’s the side mummy likes to sleep on).

Friday, 8 February 2013 (Day 3)
I had a midwife appointment today. Everything seems to be going well and is on track. Fundal height is 25cm, and baby’s heartbeat was 140 (I don’t know if that was an estimate or not). The baby was kicking out at the Doppler wand and then the midwife was chasing the baby around trying to find the heartbeat. I ended up bursting out laughing, and then we had to start the whole process again.
Having now discovered that hubby has a blood type of O+ (and with me having a blood type of A-), I now need to have Anti-D shots (shots to stop me reacting to positive blood types) as there is at least a 50% or greater chance of me having a baby with a positive blood type. However, I have declined at this stage to do the two hour glucose tolerance test, opting instead to have a random blood sugar test done when I have my next blood tests done sometime before my 28 week appointment with my midwife.
I took the bus to the hospital so I didn’t have to worry about parking. This was the first time I’ve taken the bus, so I’ve never before found out the name of the nearest bus stop to my house, which is very aptly named ‘duck pond’. Of course, this will only mean something to you if you know where I live, and as I’m not about to divulge this private information on a very public forum, I’ll leave it as a private joke for those that do know.
Sunday, 10 February 2013 (Day 5)
I was dreaming about the baby kicking me this morning, and that I was sitting on the couch with Brad on one side and someone else on the other, both with their hands on my belly feeling the baby kick. I woke up to the baby kicking very hard against the mattress. I then felt the baby kicking all the way though church. One nice, healthy, active bubba.
Also, I definitely feel like I look pregnant, as opposed to just fat. I also think I’m starting to waddle a little, particularly toward the end of the day.

Tuesday, 5 February 2013

23 Weeks – EDC 28/05/13

Wednesday, 30 January 2013 (Day 1)
Not much to update. I’ve been feeling lots of kicks, and I’m starting to be able to feel them while I’m standing up now, which is new. I get really big kicks if I lay on my back or if I sit down and rest anything on my belly.
I had a meeting with my baby shower organiser yesterday, which was exciting. It’s all getting so exciting and real now, especially after I handed over my present list. I really hope that many of my invited friends and family can come, although I understand if the distance makes it a challenge. I haven’t seen many of you for many years, and any opportunity for a family reunion is a good one.
I’m going to do my first ever crazy lady sale experience. The car seat I want goes on sale tomorrow at Big W, and the local stores only have limited stock (2 at one store and 1 at the other). I can’t buy it from Big W online, it is only sold at Big W, and it’s a really good price. Also on sale at the moment is the Medela Swing breast pump from Baby Bunting, although Babies R Us is also supposed to have a sale starting soon, and I just want to check that they’re not putting this breast pump on sale at a cheaper price. My stroller is on order and should be dispatched sometime around 11 February, so it’s all falling into place. That’s pretty much all the big ticket items taken care of, with the exception of my modern cloth nappies and a nursery chair (although this one is a long way down the list of priorities, it would be nice to have one).
Thursday, 31 January 2013 (Day 2)
I am pleased to report that I successfully placed the car seat I wanted on lay-by this morning, although I needn’t have worried. They had ordered extra stock for the sale, and were even nice enough to put them by the front door. On top of all that, I was the only one shopping for baby things, so it was really a relaxed experience.
I’m noticing that I’m very hungry, all the time. I’m trying to get into the habit of not constantly snacking, but instead eating a proper little meal (emphasis on little) and then waiting two hours before allowing myself to eat again.
Sunday, 3 February 2013 (Day 5)
I weighed myself today, and I haven’t put any more weight on. So, I’ve put on a total of 7.5kg so far. The baby is kicking all day now, and I feel it even when I’m standing.
Things they don't tell you about pregnancy #431: Your comfortable pants will always be falling down. Your uncomfortable pants that stay up will make you feel like you need to pee all the time.
A funny moment from yesterday: I dragged hubby around the two stands that make up maternity wear in Target. There was a very pretty strappy maternity maxi dress on display, which he suggested I might look nice in, until I suggested he imagine me wearing it with my nice chunky maternity bra straps showing… The ironic thing was that I was looking for maternity shorts because it’s been so hot, and there’s still at least one month of summer left, and then today I’m wishing I’d bought some long pants because it seems that autumn is starting early.
I went and bought a 3 litre bottle of milk from the supermarket this evening. It was harder than I expected on my poor core muscles, which were crying out in protest by the time I had picked up the milk, paid for it, and then walked it from the car into the house.