Tuesday, 14 May 2013

37 Weeks!!!!!!!!!!!!–EDB 28/05/13

Tuesday, 7 May 2013

464906_10151627029172094_1886990224_oMy pregnancy update email that I received from Huggies this week told me to not feel bad if my appetite has increased, as the baby needs me to eat extra so that s/he can put on fat layers. Just as well, because I’ve been absolutely ravenous for the last two weeks, as it’s nice to have permission to eat all this extra food.

I just got an email from baby-direct.com.au, telling me that my stroller will be shipped on Thursday, and I should have it on Friday. This pleases me, although I’m disappointed that I missed the shipping deadline last Thursday (the day that I ordered it). I understand though that small operations cannot afford to have couriers pick up parcels every day.

I had a delightful night’s sleep last night. It appears that my sleep is inversely related to the temperature. The lower the temperature is, the more sleep I get. It has very little to do with heartburn like I originally thought, although when it is warmer it takes much less to wake me up.

I must say, the baby has been very active lately. The movements are mostly telling me to sit up or stop pushing there. I feel like I have a giant punching shrimp in my uterus! I’m also getting a lot more pressure on my tailbone than normal, so hopefully this means that the baby is starting to engage.

Wednesday, 8 May 2013 (Day 1)

I went and paid out my other layby today. It’s the first time I’ve noticed that driving has become rather uncomfortable in the last 48 hours. There’s a lot of pressure below my belly button where my stomach rests of my thighs (probably why I’m sitting like a fat man now), and a great absence of pressure against my diaphragm and ribs, which I’m hoping means that baby is heading south for the winter. No noticeable drop in my belly though.

But back to the layby. I now have some more maternity clothes so that I’d have something to wear in hospital (we can’t have me starkers after birth now, can we?) and there was also a towel rack in there, which required assembly. I can now say with great pride that I have assembled the towel rack myself, and the nursery now feels “finished”.

Oh dear! Tonight, my foot has blown up so that there is no distinction between my ankle and my foot (but still a beautiful distinction between my calf and my ankle, so no cankle LOL), and bub's kicks inwards are so not fun (as bub has turned fully anterior)!

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Thursday, 9 May 2013 (Day 2)

After 12 hours of being recumbent, the swelling in my feet and ankles has not decreased, so I’ve put socks on to try and control it. If that doesn’t work, at least I’ll be able to feel more quickly if it gets worse. I’ll also try and take it easy today and spend a lot of time with my legs up.

I had a reasonable night’s sleep. The temperature was playing slight havoc, as was the fact that I couldn’t seem to get enough sheet to cover myself with. It seems that while hubby was being very helpful and making the bed while I was in the shower last night, he managed to put the sheet on so that most of it is on his side. So, I instead slept very snugly under my polar fleece dressing gown, which was quite comfortable as polar fleece breaths.

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