Thursday, 29 November 2012

13 Weeks – EDC 30/05/13

22/11/12 - 13 Weeks
28/11/12 - 13 weeks 6 days

Friday, 23 November 2012 – Day 1

My morning sickness has been giving me grief in the evening lately. I start feeling ill sometime after 3pm, even if I take Maxalon, so I’m pretty much restricted to drinking water once this happens. My gag reflex is pretty easy to set off too, so I really have to watch how much I open my mouth, or even be careful when I cough.

As a result of the late morning sickness, I lost another 1.5 kg this week. I now weigh less than when I fell pregnant, so I’m a little concerned about my food intake. I’m trying to make lunch my major protein meal of the day to try and help my weight gain. At this point, I should be gaining 500g a week. If it wasn’t for my thickening waist, I’d say that pregnancy is the best weight loss program I’ve ever been on.

Tuesday, 27 November 2012 – Day 5

Well, after a TERRIBLE weekend, it was wonderful to receive good news. I just found out that one of my closest friends is also pregnant, but 2 weeks behind me. I won’t say anymore, as it’s not my place to reveal, but I’m ecstatic for her. I know she’s reading my blogs with interest, and finding comparing stories interesting, so now I’ll make a concerted effort to write more J

Now, about my weekend… My grief started about lunchtime on Saturday. I’d been having cramps, but I didn’t know how bad it was until we left the house to get something for lunch. I kept trying to nibble throughout the day, which I regretted when I vomited just before going to bed, and brought up the putrid stomach contents of the day since lunchtime, which hadn’t been digested. It was absolutely disgusting, much worse than bringing up popcorn and having all the bits get stuck in your teeth again.

Of course, I was on Maxalon for the entire weekend, but it had absolutely no effect on my nausea, and my Sunday afternoon I was feeling entirely overwhelmed and like it was never going to end. Cue my first ever hormonal cry… After my Sunday morning Weet Bix made a very quick reappearance, I stuck to snacking on fruit and drinking water and chicken soup for the day. I was feeling very miserable and sorry for myself.

Monday was better though. I was still being cautious with my diet, as by this time I had a suspicion that my morning sickness was actually a stomach bug, a suspicion I still hold to but have no proof of. I managed to go to the cinema with hubby, which was nice. I did eat some popcorn, but made sure I chewed it thoroughly ;-) My diet was still mostly fruit though.

I had some gas pain problems throughout the night though. I was very close to getting hubby to take me to hospital, as the pain was radiating to my back and was rather painful, however the pain wasn’t radiating to the same spots all the time.  I decided to do some stomach prodding and got my answer when a soft spot gurgled, and I realised that I was experiencing what my mother used to call “a pain in the pinny”. A shift in position, a sleep, and then an hour with pillows moved from under my head to under my pelvis, and my pain was all gone. Well, that pain anyway. Unfortunately, in my Sunday exploits, I managed to strain my pelvic floor muscles, so sitting and various toilet gymnastics are rather painful to say the least. Having great big pockets of gas putting pressure on these presently delicate muscles was no walk in the park, but I’m glad I’m feeling better now. Oh, and I haven’t had any Maxalon since Sunday night J Next doctor’s appointment is Thursday at 8:30am.

Friday, 23 November 2012

12 Weeks – EDC 30/05/13

16/11/12 12 weeks 1 day
Sunday, 18 November 2012 (Day 3)

The lime (baby) in the small melon (uterus) in me manages to make me feel rather uncomfortable most days. I’m having trouble with heartburn again, although my morning sickness has dropped right off so that unless I gag, I don’t bother taking Maxalon. I’ve got a belly that expands as the day goes on, although most people wouldn’t be able to notice it yet. It expands from just below my breasts down to my pelvis. I don’t think I’m going to be a “cute baby bump” kind of gal, but as long as I stay healthy then I’m happy.

I’m getting back to life as a house wife. For about 8 weeks, I did nothing but sit on the couch, watch TV, and eat takeaway (and still managed to loose that 500g I gained, so I’m at my pre-pregnancy weight). My only insatiable craving is for bacon deluxe burgers from Hungry Jacks and onion rings (I hated them before I was pregnant). When I don’t know what I want to eat, I go around the house sniffing various packets and jars until I find a smell I like. I really like raisin toast with Promite at the moment. Luckily (or unfortunately, depending on how you look at it) Brad likes most of my cravings.

It is exhausting just making sure that the laundry stays up to date and that the smell emanating from the kitchen is at an acceptable level. When I’m feeling really good, the laundry gets put away and the bed made, otherwise all the clean clothes live on the bedroom floor. We’ve been lucky to not have very much in the way of hot and humid weather yet, which is unusual for the middle of November. Maybe it’ll be a nice cool Christmas?

Speaking of Christmas, I have no idea what is going to be on the menu. I love a ham at Christmas, but technically all cold meat is on the “no-no” list of foods to eat L I’ll have to think about that one.

Monday, 19 November 2012 (Day 4)

I was rather industrious today. After sleeping in until nearly 10am, I then proceeded to fold the washing, hang out the washing, and put the washing in the washing machine. I know this sounds like I’ve written it backwards, but that’s the order I work in. After that, I cleaned the bathroom, and then cleaned the bedroom window before my steam ran out. For lunch, I proceeded to polish off a meat pie with mushy peas and tomato sauce (meat pies don’t give me heartburn J), quarter of a watermelon and 2/3 of a packet of Dorritos.

On the drive home from visiting my horse, I heard some interesting news on the radio, as Fifi Box announced that she too is having a baby. After the initial shock of wondering who the father could be (as I wasn’t even aware that she was in a relationship; I thought she was still single), I suddenly realised that our due dates must be very close together. Fifi has written her story in a blog as well, and here is the link for anyone that’s interested:

Tuesday, 20 November 2012 (Day 5)

I got very rudely awakened this morning by a strong urge to vomit, without the corresponding nausea that normally comes with a need to vomit.  I guess the baby just wanted to let me know that she’s alright. Yes, I do think the baby is a girl now, although my cravings fluctuate wildly between sweet and salty food. It helps that we have come up with a girl’s name for now, although surprises of the gender variety are always welcome.

I had my first mango of the season today. It seems that I’m not going to enjoy them as much as when I’m not pregnant, which is just as well as they’re rather expensive down here. On the other hand, my favourite fruit of choice, which is watermelon, is rather cheap down here, so I guess I’ll keep devouring them as fast as I can buy them :-D. If I really want a mango, I’ll stick with mango Weiss bars, as they’re still delicious, but still expensive.

Sunday, 18 November 2012

10 weeks – EDC 30/05/13

Thursday, 1 November 2012

Whoops! I forgot to do a couple updates! I’ll backtrack.

So, I tried the Zantac, which made me sick. I then started to get real big problems with gagging on silent reflux over the weekend, with things coming to a head Sunday night/Monday morning in Week 7. I had little sleep, couldn’t keep anything down and I fainted several times. I had a doctor’s appointment on the Monday. The doctor gave me a shot of Maxalon and a script, and the nurse suggested Gaviscon for the silent reflux, which has worked a treat. After heavy doses of both for two days, I started feeling better and only took them as needed, which was about once a day for a last 3 weeks.

I got bloods done on Monday (just gone), and since then all morning sickness appears to have disappeared. I still get the odd wave of nausea, but it disappears as soon as I eat. I’m still getting reflux, but as long as I keep on top of it with Gaviscon, I remain feeling hunky dory. Of course, I am also compiling a list of foods that give me heartburn. Before I got pregnant, I had trouble with pies and sausage rolls, but now my list expands to cheese as well. I can still eat chocolate without too many issues.

I’m feeling particularly chubby today, even though I’ve only put on a total of 500g since I fell pregnant. Apparently (according to Baby Centre) my uterus now fills my pelvis – and I can feel it when I’m standing – and my baby is now a foetus, and the size of an olive.  Apparently, the baby will double in size over the next 3 weeks!

This is what we sent to both sets of parents to announce our impending bundle of joy.

7 Weeks – EDC 30/05/12

Thursday, 11 October 2012

Over the last week, I have experienced morning sickness, gastric reflux/heartburn, and now silent reflux. Silent reflux is not something you hear about with regards to pregnancy, and in fact before yesterday I hadn’t heard of it myself. It feels like you have a lump in your throat that doesn’t go away. It doesn’t restrict your breathing, but it did make me feel panicky. I had to sleep with my head and shoulders elevated last night, and it wasn’t the most comfortable night’s sleep I’ve ever had, especially as I’m a side sleeper and the pillows forced me to sleep on my back.

Quick Eze wasn’t providing any relief, so I sent out a message to my secret Facebook group for help. I received suggestions of Mylanta, Zantac and apple cider vinegar, and I’ve been doing some research on the first two. I’ve been adding a teaspoon of apple cider vinegar to my glasses of water (no biggy as I was adding lemon juice anyway), and this seems to do a lot toward keeping my stomach acids down in my stomach. Next port of call should be the Quick Eze. The aluminum content of the Mylanta means that for the meantime I should probably avoid it. Unfortunately, I am not in the habit of checking medication packaging before purchasing, so I didn’t notice until I got home that the Zantac says not to use without medical advice.

I’ve done extensive research, and it appears to be safe to use, but as a last choice. I have decided that the time to use it is when I get the silent reflux, as that starts a cycle which makes itself worse and worse. You keep trying to get rid of the lump (which isn’t a lump), which makes your reflux worse, which makes the lump worse, and on the cycle goes. The “lump” is caused by gastric acid reaching the back of the throat, and is basically the throat reacting to being burned. Apparently over time, the burns can cause cancer, so it’s important to get the condition under control.

Apart from that, I haven’t had any other issues. I haven’t had cramps or constipation for a while, and I have an appointment with my GP on Monday. I’m looking forward to finding out what’s next. I know that I have to get bloods done at ten weeks, and there’s a good chance that I’ll have to get another ultrasound, as I believe that the doctor will want to check for a viable pregnancy. Heck, I want another ultrasound so I can see the baby’s heartbeat. J

8 weeks 1 day (19/10/12)
9 weeks 1 day (26/10/12)
9 weeks 5 days (30/10/12)

6 Weeks – ECD 30/05/13

Thursday, 4 October 2012

Well, where to start? I’ve stopped being so exhausted for now, although I cannot walk as far as I could without getting tired. I’ve discovered that hot chips make me feel sick. My bras don’t really fit anymore.

I found out today that my baby is now the size of a pea. That’s quite a significant size change from an apple seed to a pea.

Last night was the first time that I went to sleep queasy, felt queasy at my midnight pee and woke up feeling queasy. Last night was also the first time that I dreamed about labour and a newborn baby since I fell pregnant. In my dreams though, the baby was a girl… The funny thing was that the dream was in two halves. I woke up when I was in active labour and feeling a lot of pressure, but then I discovered that the pressure was actually me wanting to pee. LOL

Sunday, 7 October 2012 (Day 3)

Hello morning sickness! I’ve been sick for the last three days! At this point, I am thinking that bub is going to be an only child LOL. I’ve become a hermit, and Brad has been a darling, fetching me whatever I need.

6 weeks 4 days (8/10/12)

5 Weeks – ECD 30/05/13

Friday, 28 September 2012 (Day 1 – Again)

I just got a phone call from my GP, and he tells me that my ultrasound measured at 4 weeks and 6 days. So, my due date is now the same as Uncle Ashley’s birthday – lucky him!

Saturday, 29 September 2012 (Day 2)

I was soooo tired today! I slept in until 9am, which hasn’t happened since Sunday, 16 September 2012, and then all day I was tired. I was also slightly lightheaded and had a light headache. It really felt like I was dehydrated, so I’ve drunk about 3 litres of water, and it seems to have worked.  I like to think that maybe the baby’s heart started today, and this is the reason for all these feelings.

I’m noticing that I have cravings for protein and calcium products. The most obvious choice is cheese, followed closely by ham and milk. I have also decided that I think I’m having a boy.

I have noticed a pattern with my morning sickness. I start off fine in the morning, with having no issues with eating breakfast and no issues eating lunch, however I notice that I’ll start to feel a little queasy around 5pm and completely loose my appetite. I’ll normally make a Milo and this makes me feel better. Brad’s been a superstar, doing the majority of the cooking.

5 Weeks – EDC 28/05/13

Wednesday, 26 September 2012 (Day 1)

I had my dating scan today. Despite filling my bladder to bursting point (it really hurt to move!), the ultrasound was unable to locate a gestational sac, so after I emptied my bladder we moved onto the transvaginal scan. We located the little “apple seed”, so I am definitely pregnant, however the gestational stem was too small for the computer system to give a definite size in terms of gestational days. The only thing the ultrasound doctor could say for certain was that at this point I am less than 5 weeks pregnant. So, this means that there will be another scan in my future so we can get a definite due date.

One strange oddity that I will mention is the cramps I get that feel like cervix twinges. They’re certainly uncomfortable, and I guess they’re in preparation for when my little darling decides to kick me down there. Today I think they may be a small side effect of the transvaginal scan, but I have experienced these twinges in the last week or so along with the rest of the expansion cramps.

4 Weeks – EDC 28/05/13

Tuesday, 18 September 2012

I had a temperature drop today, which really got me down. I didn’t realise how much I wanted to be pregnant right now until I saw that lower temperature. However, I have reassured myself that it is temperature trends that count, and unless I get my period today or tomorrow, or have another drop tomorrow, then I’m still probably pregnant. I haven’t had any nausea today, but I’ve still managed to mostly keep away from the lemon cream cheese slice that I made. I’m not convinced that I taste things as they are though. Yesterday, I would have sworn that the milk was off, and today I would have sworn that the orange I snacked on was going off.

Wednesday, 19 September 2012 (1 day)

So, I had a nice surprise this morning. My temperature rose to new heights, and I became convinced once and for all that I was pregnant. Pregnancy has messed with my body clock, and I am now rising easily at 6:00 am! This means that breakfast has to happen earlier too, as I found out two days ago. Unfortunately, I also discovered that there was no milk, which meant a dash to the supermarket.

While I was there, I thought that I might as well pick up a HPT. A simple thing to do, after all, I’ve done it many times now, but I’ve always bought packs of three. However, this time was different. You see, I had a miscarriage in July, and ever since then I’ve been convinced that I would get pregnant again and on my next cycle. I haven’t always thought it was the best idea, but I know God’s plan is best. There have only been two or three days this whole cycle that I’ve thought any different, Yes, the cycle really has been 61 days long, but that is nothing compared to the twelve months I had to wait for my cycle to resume after going off the pill. So, the big question was, do I buy one test or three? Going with my solid faith in the matter that I would be pregnant, I decided to just buy the one, because that was all I would need, and guess what! I was right!!!! Three minutes, a prayer that I would accept whichever result I got, and two lines later, my pregnancy was confirmed.

I wanted to shout it from the rooftops, but I restricted myself to sending my husband a nice cryptic message and joining an online forum for babies that are due in May. I need to get it confirmed, but the Fertility Friend app that I’ve been using says that the due date is 28 May 2013. Now I have to figure out how I’m going to choose to tell my parents.

I took a baseline belly shot…

Monday, 24 September 2012 (Day 6)

I had my first doctor’s appointment today. Due to a little disagreement over my due date because I had a 60 day cycle, I have a dating scan in two days. My doctor says that my symptoms are those of someone over six weeks, so he believes that I am 8 or even 12 weeks.  So, I’ll find out on Wednesday which one of us is right. I have a feeling it’s going to be me.

Monday must be my day for morning sickness. It also acts as a good reminder that “Call the Midwife” is now available on iView. Also, I’ve had cramping (particularly in my hips) over the last week, which seems to be subsiding now.

3 Weeks – EDC 28/05/13

Monday, 17 September 2012 (6 Days)

Having watched my temperature rise yet again since I ovulated 4 September, I am now rather convinced that I am pregnant. If I wasn’t pregnant, I would expect my temperature to have peaked at around 10 DPO, not kept rising, as progesterone levels peak half way through the luteal phase if a woman is not pregnant. However, having experienced so many negative pregnancy tests over the last 20 months, I am unwilling to take another test until there is no doubt in my mind that I am pregnant. This means waiting until I am 17 DPO, as a normal luteal phase can last from 12-16 days.

I decided to start writing my blog today, because while I have been experiencing the “joys” of pregnancy with gastric reflux, constipation, sore breasts and tiredness, today was the first day that I experienced morning sickness. I was absolutely exhausted last night, so I went to bed early. Unusually, I also woke up and stayed awake at 6:00 am this morning, but didn’t have breakfast until 8:30 am. I normally have breakfast when I’m hungry, but this morning I skipped getting hungry and went straight to feeling like I was going to be sick, with rapid onset. The feeling did ease once I got breakfast into me, slowly over the next half hour. I did have a cup of green tea before breakfast, because I woke with a bit of a headache.

Fast forwarding to lunch, I had a snack at 11:00 am because I was hungry, but started to feel lightly nauseas at 11:45 am, so I reheated lunch. After I ate lunch, I experienced another bout of nausea which prompted me to go for the chai tea. That seemed to settle me, but the thought of spending the afternoon with my horse (without any food) was worrying me, so I decided to make some ginger nut biscuits to take with me.

The ginger nuts did their job and kept me nausea free until it was time to cook dinner. I experienced a slight pang that told me to start preparing dinner, and then a wave a nausea after I finished dinner that was likely due to a full stomach.