Friday, 28 September 2012 (Day 1 – Again)
I just got a phone call from my GP, and he tells me that my
ultrasound measured at 4 weeks and 6 days. So, my due date is now the same as Uncle
Ashley’s birthday – lucky him!
Saturday, 29 September 2012 (Day 2)
I’m noticing that I have cravings for protein and calcium
products. The most obvious choice is cheese, followed closely by ham and milk.
I have also decided that I think I’m having a boy.
I have noticed a pattern with my morning sickness. I start
off fine in the morning, with having no issues with eating breakfast and no
issues eating lunch, however I notice that I’ll start to feel a little queasy
around 5pm and completely loose my appetite. I’ll normally make a Milo and this makes me feel better. Brad’s been a
superstar, doing the majority of the cooking.
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