Sunday, 18 November 2012

7 Weeks – EDC 30/05/12

Thursday, 11 October 2012

Over the last week, I have experienced morning sickness, gastric reflux/heartburn, and now silent reflux. Silent reflux is not something you hear about with regards to pregnancy, and in fact before yesterday I hadn’t heard of it myself. It feels like you have a lump in your throat that doesn’t go away. It doesn’t restrict your breathing, but it did make me feel panicky. I had to sleep with my head and shoulders elevated last night, and it wasn’t the most comfortable night’s sleep I’ve ever had, especially as I’m a side sleeper and the pillows forced me to sleep on my back.

Quick Eze wasn’t providing any relief, so I sent out a message to my secret Facebook group for help. I received suggestions of Mylanta, Zantac and apple cider vinegar, and I’ve been doing some research on the first two. I’ve been adding a teaspoon of apple cider vinegar to my glasses of water (no biggy as I was adding lemon juice anyway), and this seems to do a lot toward keeping my stomach acids down in my stomach. Next port of call should be the Quick Eze. The aluminum content of the Mylanta means that for the meantime I should probably avoid it. Unfortunately, I am not in the habit of checking medication packaging before purchasing, so I didn’t notice until I got home that the Zantac says not to use without medical advice.

I’ve done extensive research, and it appears to be safe to use, but as a last choice. I have decided that the time to use it is when I get the silent reflux, as that starts a cycle which makes itself worse and worse. You keep trying to get rid of the lump (which isn’t a lump), which makes your reflux worse, which makes the lump worse, and on the cycle goes. The “lump” is caused by gastric acid reaching the back of the throat, and is basically the throat reacting to being burned. Apparently over time, the burns can cause cancer, so it’s important to get the condition under control.

Apart from that, I haven’t had any other issues. I haven’t had cramps or constipation for a while, and I have an appointment with my GP on Monday. I’m looking forward to finding out what’s next. I know that I have to get bloods done at ten weeks, and there’s a good chance that I’ll have to get another ultrasound, as I believe that the doctor will want to check for a viable pregnancy. Heck, I want another ultrasound so I can see the baby’s heartbeat. J

8 weeks 1 day (19/10/12)
9 weeks 1 day (26/10/12)
9 weeks 5 days (30/10/12)

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