Thursday, 6 December 2012
I’ve been suffering a little from a dry throat, which makes
me gag. The solution to which seems to be chewing gum like it’s going out of
fashion. If I don’t have a dry throat, I have a throat full of phlegm – ew!
I had one bout of bringing up my breakfast on Tuesday, but
for the first time since I fell pregnant, it didn’t affect the rest of my day.
Let’s hope that is the end of it.
I have my midwives appointment next Friday. I’m rather
excited about this, and also about the morphology scan (ultrasound) which is
booked in for the New Year. Brad will still be on holidays when I go for this
scan, so we will both be able to see the baby for the first time together –
Monday, 10 December 2012 – Day 4
So, I vomited in the mornings on Saturday and Sunday, but
once again it didn’t affect the rest of my eating habits for the day. On
Sunday, it was before breakfast, and I managed to eat most of two Weet Bix.
I’ve been drinking Berocca after I vomit, as it was recommended to me to keep
away nausea, and I have to say that it seems to have a positive effect.
Today I’ve been alternating between being tired and being
hungry. I guess the baby is having a growing spurt. I’m waiting to feel those
first movements, but it is entirely possible that I have an anterior placenta
and won’t feel anything until 22 weeks. I’m thinking positive (was that a
wiggle) but being prepared that I might have to wait. However, it doesn’t stop
me pressing on my belly to see if I can feel anything. Because I didn’t have
the 12 week scan, I don’t know where my placenta is, or even for certain that
there is only one baby in there. I guess all will be revealed at the 20 week
Tuesday, 11 December 2012 – Day 5
I think my belly has expanded again, as I’m feeling rather
fat tonight. I ordered my first maternity bras today, so I look forward to
their arrival in the mail. I also found out today that the 20 week scan takes
around an hour, which makes me excited because Brad is coming, so we both get
to stare at our offspring for a good while.
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