Tuesday, 18 December 2012

16 Weeks – EDC 28/05/13

Thursday, 13 December 2012 – Day 2

So, the Christmas cake gives me really bad indigestion L Oh well…

Now, on the exciting front, I think I’ve felt the baby move for the last two nights. Tuesday night, after all the stretching, I had a very tight belly and I’m sure I felt the bubble popping sensation. It was entirely pleasant, whereas I find gas bubbles unpleasant, so I’m fairly sure it was the baby. Last night, I wanted to feel it again before I went to sleep, but my belly was feeling rather “dead” (not in a bad way, mind you). So, I tried experimenting with the angle of my recline – I sleep on my side like a good girl. At a certain point, I felt a shift pressure onto my intestines, followed by a shuddering that ended up making me want to move because it was tickling so badly. Yes, I would describe it as having a butterfly in my belly. No luck replicating this again this morning, but I tried before having eaten anything, and I’d had a Nutella sandwich just before bed last night.

BREAKING NEWS: It’s 1:00pm, and I just felt a distinct tap-tap just above my pubic bone, which to me was undeniably baby!

Saturday, 15 December 2012 – Day 4

You will notice that my EDC has changed again. This is because the midwife trusts my charting and mistrusts my early ultrasound, which is completely opposite to my GP. Bemusing, but no biggy.

So, I had my first antenatal appointment yesterday, which was long, but productive and exciting. We (the midwife and I) talked about a lot of pregnancy stuff and a lot more about my medical history. I liked the midwife, as I felt like she really listened to me, and I never felt like she was tapping her watch for the next appointment. I got to listen to the heartbeat, and she confirmed for me that I was feeling the baby kicking and showed me where the “baby zone” is on my belly. I also had some kicks just before my appointment. It seems that sitting seems to be key to feeling kicks at the moment, as every time I feel them, I seem to be sitting at a desk.

Monday, 17 December 2012 – Day 6

Nothing much to report. We’re having a little heat wave at the moment which is making me feel a little woozy at times. I have a phlegmy throat in the mornings (which can make me gag) and a dry throat in the evenings. I’m also feeling a little movement by the baby every day, which is exciting. Brad keeps touching my stomach to see if he can feel anything – cute!

Brad and I are doing a lot of reading and talking at the moment about baby things. I got an information pack from the hospital, which tells me how the hospital works, but also gives snippets of information on other issues like breastfeeding, sids, swaddling, and information for Rh negative woman (of which I am one of the unfortunate few). I am also reading a book by Gina Ford called The Contented Little Baby, which I am finding really informative as she seems to have a lot of views that I already had formed earlier in pregnancy. Of course this begins the start of the journey that everyone will have something to say about our style of raising a baby, and that fact that everyone will have something to say on how to do it better (or how we’re doing it wrong). The challenge for me is to try and ignore the vast majority of it and only keep the information that I actually want while not getting upset with the information givers. People skills have never been my forte, and any little patience I did have before I fell pregnant has rapidly fallen by the wayside, so it is very easy for me to get upset with people these days.

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