Tuesday, 8 January 2013

I’m trying to decide if my belly button is going to pop out.
It points straight up as the uterus is starting to push upwards past the belly
button. I’m also getting lots of stretching feelings around my belly and belly
button. I’ve also finally managed to put on (and keep on) 5kg in the last two
Saturday, 12 January 2013 (Day 4)
Had an exciting milestone last night: I felt the baby kick
from the outside for the first time. I have been trying to get Brad to feel it
too, but the pattern is quite sporadic, and it can go half an hour between
kicks. I also suspect that if I’m sitting the wrong way (at the moment anyway)
that the kick won’t be felt from the outside, as sometimes I can feel a good
inch of blubber over the top of my uterus, and other times my belly is like a
drum. I have been feeling a lot more movement as well. The midwife told me
yesterday that some women at this stage can’t even feel anything yet, so I’m
somewhat lucky.
So, as I just mentioned, I saw the midwife yesterday. I have
a normal, healthy, low-risk pregnancy at this stage. I assumed that because I
was going through the public system that I would be seeing a different midwife
each time, but this isn’t the case unless I want it. I get the pleasure of
seeing the same lovely midwife each and every time until I go unto labour, at
which point I suspect that I’ll get whoever’s on duty and available.
Sunday, 13 January 2013 (Day 5)
I have been enjoying the sensation of getting little kicks
from the newest member of our family very soon after waking up for the last two
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