Wednesday, 30 January 2013

22 Weeks – EDC 28/05/13

Wednesday, 23 January 2013 (Day 1)

I am “this close” to being able to get Brad to feel this baby move. When I recline, I can feel bulgy bits sticking out of my stomach, and if I push on them, they kick back. So all I have to do is get Brad to push one of these bulgy bits, and hopefully he’ll finally feel that first kick.

I hope this heartburn stops when I have the baby.

Thursday, 24 January 2013 (Day 2)

Brad finally got to feel the baby “tap” his hand twice last night, on two different occasions. He said that he could barely feel it, which surprised me, as the baby was positively booting me from the inside – enough to see his hand move. However, my technique of getting him to push on the bulgy bit worked.

And for the laugh of the day: Brad had his first pregnancy brain moment today. In a hurry, he sent a message on his iPhone to someone (thinking he had sent a message to me last) asking them to bring him lunch. They very kindly and cheekily send him back a message saying that this would be fine. At the same time that this is all happening, I’m driving 45 minutes in the other direction to see my horse, oblivious to the fact that my poor husband is lunch-less at work.

Fast forward to Brad’s lunch time, which also happened to be the time that I finished visiting with my horse, and my phone starts ringing. I answer it, and Brad says, “So are you coming?” Wondering what important appointment MY pregnant brain has forgotten, I start questioning him about what on earth he was talking about. He said that I had said that I’d bring him lunch. At this point I checked my phone to see what messages I had sent – after all, if it is possible for me to turn off an alarm and not remember it, surely it is possible for me to answer a message and not remember it either. I assured him that the last time we had corresponded by text was in fact yesterday, and that he mustn’t have sent the message to me – which was the truth, as he then discovered. After having a laugh about it, I then drove the 45 minutes back into town to buy and deliver to my darling husband some lunch. BTW, the new KFC grilled BLT twisters are quite delicious!

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